Lagging equipment can no longer fight guerrillas

The National Development and Reform Commission recently issued a notice that in order to promote industrial restructuring and promote energy conservation and emission reduction, the state resolutely eliminated backward technologies, equipment and technologies that did not meet relevant laws and regulations and industrial policies, severely wasted resources, polluted the environment, and did not have safe production conditions. At the same time as products, we must resolutely curb the import, transfer, production, sales, use, and adoption of outdated equipment and facilities. We must take resolute measures to curb such "lagging guerrilla behavior" of lagging equipment and facilities.

The National Development and Reform Commission stipulates that, for backward production lines that can achieve technological upgrading through equipment upgrades and meet national industrial policies, departments, and local requirements, production must be suspended in accordance with local plans and a limited period of renovation and upgrading. produce. The backward technological equipment and facilities that cannot be upgraded and upgraded must be completely destroyed to prevent the outflow of backward production capacity. The competent authorities shall organize industry experts to supervise and inspect the process and effects of the obsolescence of equipment and facilities, the treatment of hazardous waste, and publish the list of enterprises that have eliminated the backward technology and equipment in the media, and encourage the public to supervise. Competent authorities at all levels must pay close attention to the handling methods and destinations of the eliminated main equipment and facilities, and resolutely stop the transfer of backward equipment and facilities.

At the same time, all localities must strictly control new projects, resolutely prohibit the introduction and construction of new production capacity, and prevent new and backward production capacity in the form of investment promotion and industrial transfer. Review key projects for the construction of new and reconstructed production lines for second-hand equipment, in particular, the technological and product levels, consumption and emissions indicators, equipment sources, and reasons for transfer of used equipment should be carefully reviewed and analyzed; Policy requirements, as well as technological equipment and production lines that fail to meet relevant departmental and local standards, will not be approved; for those technologies that have not been listed in the industrial policy elimination category but belong to the low end of the industry, they should guide the owners to further optimize For enterprises that introduce and accept backward production technology and equipment, they must investigate the responsibility of the owners and local management departments.

It is understood that some outdated process technologies and equipment that have been eliminated or eliminated are currently becoming the investment targets of some regions and enterprises. These regions and enterprises have built new production lines locally by introducing, accepting and using the eliminated process equipment. This practice has resulted in the shift of backward production capacity, which has seriously affected the overall deployment and overall effectiveness of the country in eliminating backward production capacity and promoting energy conservation and emission reduction.

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