Nationalization of nuclear power meters accelerates substantive progress

Recently, the National Energy Administration and the China Machinery Industry Federation sponsored the "Seminar on the Implementation of Nuclear Power Meter Localization Scheme" in Shanghai. This year marks the beginning of the nationalization of the nuclear power plant instrument control system, which is an important part of the National Energy Administration’s localization planning for key equipment for nuclear power. The convening of the meeting marks the beginning of a substantial advancement phase for the nationalization of nuclear power meters in China. It is of far-reaching significance to promote the localization of nuclear power meters.

Over 40 unit leaders, experts and representatives from the government, nuclear design institutes, engineering companies, and instrument manufacturing companies attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the status quo and existing problems of nuclear power meters were comprehensively analyzed, and the initial implementation plans for localized three-year goals, contents, plans, and safeguard measures were highlighted. The delegates agreed that the nationalization of nuclear power meters is of great significance and imminent. It is necessary to formulate clear localization goals, plans and programs, strengthen organizational leadership and coordination, clarify the division of responsibilities and cooperation, and establish and improve the nuclear power equipment testing and testing platform. The standard system, as well as providing policy safeguards in the "first set" of performance and qualifications.

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